

Tree Planting

Since 1981, Raven Venture Ltd. has reforested hundreds of thousands of hectares of land and over 200 million trees.  We have built a stellar reputation through our long history of reforestation; cooperating with licensees and maximizing our workforce’s opportunity of earning.  The bulk of our work is renewed every year as a result of our high quality work.  



Raven Venture Ltd. has brushed and weeded over 10,000 hectares of reforested land. We take great pride in bringing cut blocks to free-to-grow status as well as increasing the survival rate of young trees in newly planted land.  



Raven Venture runs an experienced spacing crew on a contract-to-contract basis. If you have experience running saw and are interested in spacing, please contact us.


Cone Collection

Since 2005, we have specialized in PLI and FDI cone collection, having undertaken aerial and ground collection work of both species.  We sample, collect, and transport all of our products. Work is on a contract-to-contract basis and employment opportunities are assigned based on seniority within the company.